Product Review: Ever Bilena Advanced Concealer in Light Vanilla

Hello! I'm back!! and I'm back with a review! :D For today's review is about Ever Bilena's Concealer. I picked Light Vanilla since its their lightest color. EB's concealers come in 3 shades - Light Vanilla, Soft Beige, and Velvet Nude. Its said that it will conceal under eye circles, reduce the visibility of pores and also dark spots. I remember I bought this for like 125.00+ I actually forgot the right price because I bought this product a couple of months ago from an ever bilena representative. One Quick Tip: EB products are actually cheaper if you buy them from a sales representative than the mall. But if you don't know anyone who sells EB products you can just go to Watson's ^^ It comes in a tube packaging. At first you'd think its a lipstick but its not. ^^ Now here is my breakdown. What I like about the product.... - Blends really well on my skin, Especially around the eye area. - Creamy but feels light on my skin. - Does not make my skin break o...