August 2011 Haul

Ola girls! I have decided I will just do a monthly haul because I don't really shop till I drop in the first place haha! any who these are the stuff that I bought within the month of August. First thing I bought was Myra E daily sun protect facial moisturizer. I have been using this moisturizer for some time and it has never failed me. I also bought Pond's clear solutions since I have the usual pre-menstrual break out that I need to tame from time to time. Next is a lippie from Sophie Paris Koshize lipstick in Red Salsa. If you have read my addictions on lipsticks you may have seen this. I love the color since it doesn't make me look like I just drank blood. This lipstick is matte and long lasting, so I will test it out. Another sophie paris! I have seen this before when I was still in college but I haven't used it for myself. So I bought this basically out of the whim and because I have been becoming a bit lazy in applying make up. Blame it in this pes...