Kpop Friday: Shampoo by AfterSchool

Happy Friday! Okay last week I talked about Afterschool Red's song In the night sky. The K-pop song I'll be featuring now is called Shampoo. If you look at the English translation of this song its actually not mentioning the exact word shampoo..okay maybe once, but when you go deeper into the song you will see that it is about. It has that princess-like feel if you listen to it. This is a teeny-bopper for me if you ask me. It basically reminds me of Secret's Starlight Moonlight without the cheesy lines haha! My over all verdict for this song is its a great tune to listen to feel good and have that "in love" feeling. Here is the English translations taken from Kpopsubber from youtube I want to become shampoo, flowing down your hair I want to cover you with my thick scent If you used to like other scents, erase them now I’ll make you drunk with all the scents in the world that don’t exist If you, star-star-star, ever make me sad I’ll make your eyes ...