Have a JUANderful Night with Jose and Wally

Hello lovelies! Have you ever thought of making a difference to an individual or maybe a group while you also have a good time? I think this could be a great example. Have JUAN night with Jose and Wally. It would be a fund raising event in celebration to the World Thyroid day. The concert is to fund indigent thyroid patients in their treatment. The said fundraising event will be held on July 6, 2013, 8PM at the Crossroad Center, Mother Ignacia Ave. Cor. Sct. Reyes St. Quezon City. The concert will feature two of the country’s leading comedians, Jose Manalo and Wally Bayola. Also to perform are popular stand-up comedians Anton Diva and Ethel Booba. Be in for a night of laughter and at the same time support the cause of the Philippine Society of Nuclear Medicine, grab your tickets now! You may contact Michael Go of iConceptualizeyourEvents Inc. – 0917-9159406 / 0922-8437628. The event is sponsored by: Mang Inasal, Jackman Pl...