Kpop Friday: Kpop Fans Can Relate

Hey lovelies! I know that I haven't done a Kpop Friday in a while and I miss doing this! Seriously I have been out of the loop for a while but I hope you are still there! ^__^ As a Kpop Fan there are a LOT of things that we go through everyday which also involves Kpop. I know that there are actually more crazier than me when it comes to Kpop. What I mean by crazy is how they are deeply immersed to it. I remember when I first started liking Kpop - hence without my own computer and oblivious of the internet, I was just on my own in my room on a weekend with my TV stuck only on one channel - Arirang TV . That was the only Korean channel we had on our cable that time (don't judge) . But seriously I learned heaps of information about Korea and of course Kpop! I learned about Korean food, Fashion, Culture and KPOP! I have been a Kpop fan for thirteen years. YES! Thirteen years. ..I am so old if you ask me. I ...