Happy Birthday Nikko!

Meet Nikko - my first born. We also call him Nik-Nik, Nikkolite, Nikoekoeko, Nikkoya and other names we make up haha! Yes you heard that! Nikko is my first born child and today is his birthday! He is now 4 years old and I would just like to share why I love this dog so much. I have always loved dogs, but I have usually gotten big dogs since my mama prefers them to be protectors of our house. But one day my brother messaged me about a yorkie and if our mom would like to have one. Of couse she was against having Nikko because she doesn't need a small dog who won't protect her. But I sure do so I said yes and we got him the following Saturday. The first time I saw Nikko I immediately felt that connection with him. He clung to my arms when I lifted him up from the crate he was put in by his previous owner and I cradled him and said hello my child. I may have looked weird then for sure. I never really expected to love small breed dogs, but this weirdo is different - h...