How Do You Start Over again?

There would be times where I just don't know if I am doing the right things in my life because sometimes the outlook is just not looking great. I had this thought a couple of months back when I was going to be endorsed on production to take calls in my current company where I was like 'Is this really the right decision for me?' 'Are we sure about this?' those questions kept going over and over in my head as the days go on and as I take more calls. And I think I made a right decision. Its been about 6 months since that time and I have never felt more secured with what I decided. Another factor that made me go and pursue this path is because I am not getting any younger. I admit, I chased a dream wherein I am not really sure if I am destined for it. I haven't given up on blogging and content creation but I can honestly say that its more than views and clicks for me now. It has become a way for me to express myself and help people come out of their shell too. S...