An Afternoon with Glambox, Askmewhats, and Beautynomics (caution a bit photo-heavy)

Ola! How are you ladies? Even though the rain has been pounding here in Manila that didn't stopped me from going to the Glambox event yesterday. If all of you are followers of Nikki (of Askmewhats) and Sophie (of Beautynomics), you'd probably know that they had this event on their pages a couple of weeks ago. Luckily I was invited by Glambox ^_^ borrowed from Glambox's fanpage ^_^ I arrived at the event at around 12:55pm, just in time. The call time was 1:00pm so I just arrived in time. But the event started at around 2pm. There were food at the event. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take a picture of it (out of shyness? well not really) Nikki Sophie At the start of the event At the start of the event Nikki was the one talking about Skin Care and also foundation application with the Glambox kit. She also taught us how to choose the right foundation. If you are acidic always remember to choose a color that is 2 shades lighter than your skin ton...