Everything Halloween

Happy Halloween girls! Since today is the start of the Halloween season I have been thinking of what do be for Halloween. I actually don't dress up that much since I wasn't accustomed in celebrating this with my family, but what the hey haha! I remember last year I was a rabbit since I like rabbits. I practically wore rabbit ears and the large front teeth and had a carrot in my hand the whole time. Too bad though I don't have a picture of this. When I was still working for a call center, there was an incident in the other account that there was like a zombie outbreak there. The agents in that account were dead serious about wearing costumes and even playing their parts during their breaks. I was terrorized by one agent there that was really creepy. He kept following me to my station, AS IF I was scared! LOL Since last night I watched Paranormal Activity 2 and also Magandang Gabi Bayan's Kababalaghan. If you grew up in the Philippines in the 90's you ...