Trend Alert: Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Since I live in the Philippines, we don't have fall and winter. But we can still follow the trends right? haha!
'nuf said these are some of the trends that I have seen on runways and online as well. I am no expert in this area, so if there is some error please do forgive me okay?
Lets start!
radiant nude make up
This is never out of the fall season if you ask me. This actually accentuates our natural beauty. So its best to rock your natural beauty this fall.

vampy and bloody lips
I have seen vamp lips on almost all the make up videos I have been watching lately. I think vamp lips is a trend because of the weather and that seasonal change. I have tried this look before and honestly it made me look like all the colors in my face came right down to my lips. Its pretty funny if you think about it.
Thick eyebrow
natural beauty actually is the trend this fall so I think we can stop obsessing plucking or threading our brows thin for a change. just make sure to brush some clear mascara over it so it will still look groomed and defined.
varicolored smoked eyes
I actually haven't tried this trend but it seems it has become a bit popular.The color that I've seen used more often for this is purple.Sorry girls no picture for this :(

This is something I really liked since I have manage to work the winged liner look.
Orange eye make up
I have seen this color so much on Fashion shows on Fashion TV and I'm like OHMAYGAWD that color is so gorgeous! I swear autumnal orange colors with a little pink is awesome! I just can't stop raving about it haha!
There you have it. All the make up trends of Fall/Winter 2011. I should advise you girls that these are just trends. What is more important is how you work it.
What Make up trend would you like to try out?
let me know on the comment box and I'll talk to you soon.
Much Love!
-- Alice
ps. all pictures posted here are not owned by the writer. Credits to all the owners of the pictures.
'nuf said these are some of the trends that I have seen on runways and online as well. I am no expert in this area, so if there is some error please do forgive me okay?
Lets start!
radiant nude make up
This is never out of the fall season if you ask me. This actually accentuates our natural beauty. So its best to rock your natural beauty this fall.

vampy and bloody lips
I have seen vamp lips on almost all the make up videos I have been watching lately. I think vamp lips is a trend because of the weather and that seasonal change. I have tried this look before and honestly it made me look like all the colors in my face came right down to my lips. Its pretty funny if you think about it.
Thick eyebrow
natural beauty actually is the trend this fall so I think we can stop obsessing plucking or threading our brows thin for a change. just make sure to brush some clear mascara over it so it will still look groomed and defined.
varicolored smoked eyes
I actually haven't tried this trend but it seems it has become a bit popular.The color that I've seen used more often for this is purple.Sorry girls no picture for this :(

This is something I really liked since I have manage to work the winged liner look.
Orange eye make up
I have seen this color so much on Fashion shows on Fashion TV and I'm like OHMAYGAWD that color is so gorgeous! I swear autumnal orange colors with a little pink is awesome! I just can't stop raving about it haha!
There you have it. All the make up trends of Fall/Winter 2011. I should advise you girls that these are just trends. What is more important is how you work it.
What Make up trend would you like to try out?
let me know on the comment box and I'll talk to you soon.
Much Love!
-- Alice
ps. all pictures posted here are not owned by the writer. Credits to all the owners of the pictures.