I have eaten at Chic-boy's before but this was just the first time I saw this "scandal" I am supposed to post this on my food blog, but I think this would be a better place to post it since my other blog is for me to give you my recommendations. Okay the brown thing that you see on the top picture is a caterpillar. YES I am dead serious. As I said before, I have eaten at chic-boy's Tomas Morato a couple of times yet I haven't experienced this. I can't really commend their staff, no bad blood here if you ask me. But I think they should hire better staffs according to the person who posted this. Okay enough of what I think of it, lets talk about this first. Basically this is a post made in Facebook that asks the company that owns Chic-boy to take response on this issue. One customer has just tried to eat a freakin' caterpillar. Its too gross to even think about it. I'll put in this blog post the letter of that customer.