30 day make up challenge day 30: post a picture of yourself with and without make up.
The right side is without make up while the left side is with make up.
As you can see make up can really change what you look like. My face seemed brighter with make up and more even toned. I also defined my brows more then put a purple and pink eyeshadow then tight lined my eyes and applied mascara. I also added blush and lipstick for a flush of color.
A lot of my office mates actually was amazed with me wearing make up. They suggested I should wear make up every day. I would like to but I don't think the weather would allow haha!
I like wearing make up but not on an everyday basis. It kinda hassles me if I have too do the full on make up.
I know its weird to hear that from a beauty blogger but its true! I would definitely like it more if I can sport a natural look because its much better that way.
Wow I have finished doing 30 days worth of posts! This is really an accomplishment if you ask me ^^,
I would really encourage other beauty bloggers to do this. It really is fun because you will be able to share a part of you that other people don't know about you.
Well then I'll have to go now,
I'll talk to you in my next post!
Much love!
-- Alice