Blog Event: The Vow with my date Marge of Kikay Trekkie

Ola ladies! before I begin this post I would just like to tell you girls that I'll upload the remaining photos from this event tomorrow since I'm using my tablet and I forgot my data cable at home >.< and also I will be grabbing some pics from Shen and Marge :) please Unnies! *Bow*

My date! ^^, 누나는 너무 예뻐이다 ^^,

So yesterday I was invited by Marge of Kikaytrekkie to a movie. She told me we were gonna see The Vow which stars Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. I was a little giddy since I've heard that this movie is a good one. 

And since I'm a sucker for romantic flicks I said yes. I also found out that some of the girls that attended the Clinique event with Shen of Shen's Addictions came too! So it was a little reunion of a sort na rin ^^, 

I actually liked the film since this was based on a true story and also there weren't a lot of tear-jerky moments. This film did not make me cry which is great for my mascara haha! There were lots of PDA moments and funny moments which will remind you of your special someone more...ayiiii! kinikilig nanaman tuloy ako! haha! 

Moreover I enjoyed seeing Channing's A$$ and his Abs.. I do have one request next time he has a movie... can you do a movie without wearing a shirt? Haha! Echusera mode! LOL 

I also got some goodies from Shen, Carmex, and Heno De Pravia.  ^^, 

Thanks again to Shen for picking Marge to be the winner. Promise di luto to! LOL

Thanks Unnie Marge for inviting me! ^^,

It was also really nice seeing the other Clinique girls! I miss you girls! See you soon! 

Have you seen this movie too? Tell me what you think about it! ^^, 

Much Love! 

-- Alice


Unknown said…
thanks for being my date!

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