Diet Diary: Back to Normal... I guess

Hello everyone! 

I have actually stopped myself in doing so much for some time because the stress and pressure of things just makes me want to eat more. 

I have known that I am an emotional eater for sometime now that is why I just stop the things that I do when I think it's too much already. Because I know that when I'm too much pressured I eat...A LOT.

I am back to normal...I guess. In terms of eating, I don't think I have eaten anything unhealthy due to me feeling down. I have been eating a lot of good foods lately and I am so happy about that. I think writing has also helped me over come my struggle with over eating. Every time I think of something that makes me sad like how my weight is not lowering and how people talk behind my back about my weight, I just tell myself that I am my own person and these are just things that would pass. 

I know I will slim down and I'll try my best to lose as much as I can. 

Quiet honestly I have been getting a fond of swimming and playing with Georgia. I haven't been doing zumba again because of work. Thankfully swimming and walking the dog did made me lose some weight. I haven't weighed yet since my scale was nowhere to be found but I'll definitely weigh myself next week. The anticipation of how much I lost is what I look forward to every week. 

By the way thank you so much for your support and for those that had emailed me regarding how much my diet diary posts have made them think positive about losing weight. 

I may lose only 1 lbs a week but that doesn't mean I am going to stop. 

I have learned to cope up with my over eating and also I have mastered controlling myself with food. So I think it would be so much easier losing the pounds. 

Thank you! 

Much Love! 

-- Alice 


Issa said…
Go Alice! Keep it up! :)

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