Make up 101: Guide to Face Shapes and Contouring and highlight.

Hello ladies! I am back with a new Make up 101. For today's post it would be about contouring and determining your face shape. I will mostly talk about contouring and how to contour and highlighting for your face shape as well.

There are several face shapes that I will discuss today - 6 in particular: Oval, Rectangle , Round, Square, Heart, and Triangle.

Lets start with the Oval face shape. 

Ova face shape is actually the ideal face shape since it is proportioned equally. The oval face shape has a curvilinear shape, which means its length is equal to one and a half times its width, with forehead and jaw the same width. So think of the oval face shape as an egg shape.

Oval Shapes are the 'perfect' face shape since you don't need to contour much since the face is already symmetrical. You can just highlight the under eyes, chin area, and the forehead.

The rectangular face shape is another common face shape. This is characterized by simply being more than 60% longer in length than its width.
For Rectangular shapes I would suggest to contour the corners of your forehead and hairline. Try to contour as well the sides of your jaw up until the bottom of your ears.

For highlighting, you can highlight under your eyes so that the attention will be on the center of your face.

If you have a round face shape, the jawline is mostly round and full, and your face is nearly as wide as it is in length. Your cheekbones mark the widest or most prominent part of your face.

For contouring, Contour to your temples, cheeks and jawline to create the illusion of an oval face shape. As for highlight, just highlight your forehead and chin area

 If you have the square face shape, the sides of your face are straight and your face is nearly as wide as it is in length. The most prominent part of your face is your jawline.

Parts you need to contour for square face shapes is on the corners of your forehead, side of your jawline up to the bottom of the ear. For Highlight, same as with a round face of highlighting the chin and forehead.

For heart face shapes, distinct features are having wide forehead and cheekbones but tends to be narrow at the jawline.

For contouring, contour your cheeks and also the temples. For highlight the forehead and chin. 

 For triangular face shapes, the forehead and cheekbones are narrow with a wide jawline.

For contour, contour most of the jawline and cheeks to minimize the width. For highlight, just highlight your forehead, under your eyes and the chin to draw attention to the center of the face. 

I hope these helps you the next time you will do contouring. 

Much Love! 

-- Alice 


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