Are You Ready for your turning point this December 21?
NOTE: I actually forgot the pictures of this post at home but I will be updating this post later so I hope you understand this post won't have pictures yet ^_^ Y
One of the most anticipated date is December 21, 2012 why? perhaps because its been said that this date is the date given by the Mayan calendar which is said to be end of the world.
Over the past several years, we have been given a lot of information about when the world is going to end. From documentaries, to news articles, and even radio reports. Seriously I don't even know which ones are true to the made up ones!
As I said earlier, this said date came from the calendars that the Mayan civilization made thousands of years ago. It is said the Mayan calendar is very accurate that it had predicted events such as eclipses, years before these eclipses happen. Surprisingly, this long count calendar ends exactly on December 21, 2012, 11:11 am (UTC or Coordinated Universal Time) or 7:11pm (PT - Philippine Time) and with this information a lot of people had become scared that the world will end at this date.
Personally, I don't think there is something to fear about this date. If the world has to end at this date and time then it shall be done. And instead of fearing on that day, why don't we just make the most out of that date?
One thing you can do is believe in God since it is He who made the world and knows when it will end as well. As it is cited in Matthew 24:36
However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angles in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Fathers know.
From the vision fear, it is best to go to the vision of moving people back to love. John Calub had gathered the country's best motivational speakers to do a live conference and celebration called Turning Point 2012 which will happen on December 21, 2012 at the SMX Convention Center at the Mall of Asia.
According to John, instead of being afraid, why not make this date a major turning point of our lives and move ourselves to a better position in our life.
Be empowered by other speakers such as Pido Aguilar, Dr. Christian Mancao, Paolo Trinidad, Sainayah Gurnamal and much much more! Also be amazed and entertained by a laser light display and magic show of master illutionist JB Dela Cruz.
One of the highlights of the conference is the Hug Festival, where thousands of Filipinos will hug one another in a designated time in the spirit of love, peace and harmony.
Tickets for Turning Point 2012 are available for only P500 at all SM ticket outlets in all SM cinemas nationwide!
For inquiries, you may call John Calub Training at 748-7647 or go to You can also like their facebook fan page!
No need to be afraid this coming December 21. If its the end then it shall be, but make this day a Turning point for you as well.
Have a safe day!
Much Love!
xx Alice