Scent of the Moment: Victoria Secret in Love to Flirt

Summer is finally here in Manila and I can't wait to go to the beach! I actually have planned 2 trips this April which I am really excited! :D

One of the things that I really associate summer is with scents. I have a thing with light sweet fragrance or with ocean fresh scents during summer which I think my current scent has.

My current scent is from Victoria Secret called Love to Flirt which is really nice to spray if you want to smell nice and flirty during the summer. This scent has sweet clementine and peony petals which has that sweet kick but not to the point that you hurl over with the scent.

The scent does catch attention because I've had several instances that random strangers just go up to me to tell me I smell really nice or just to ask me what's my cologne. Its a great compliment for me if you ask me because its a good way to meet new people. The only thing that I don't like about this is its not locally available and I think Victoria Secret had discontinued this mist which is a big baddie.

But still I love this scent and if ever I see this on sale online or from the reseller I always buy my Victoria Secret and Bath and Body works scents I will definitely hoard buy more!

So.. what's your top spring/summer scent? Let me know on the comment box below!

Have a great Thursday!

Much Love!

xx Alice  


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