Make up 101: How to Hide the Nasties!: The Pimple

Pimple free me a couple of months back

Hello lovelies! 

I know its been a while since I did a make up 101. I seriously forgot doing make up 101 posts since I don't know what to post anymore. I know silly me >_< but I actually got some ideas since most of my younger friends (tanda ko na!) had been bugging me about it so for that I will make a series of posts about 

The Nasties. 

If you don't know the nasties its basically the common problem that we get on our faces like pimples, acne, dull skin, too much oiliness and so forth. I won't put too much emphasis on it since it will take too much space on this post. 

The first nasty that we'll discuss for today is how to cover up a pimple since its one of the most asked question for me. 

Getting a pimple on an important day is such a hassle that most of us - including me would resort to which is to prick it to get it over with. And pricking that pimple would just make it worse so here are some things that you can do. 


Yes, as much as we want to prick that monster of a pimple it would be best not to even touch it. According to dermatologists pricking the pimple would just make it worst since improper extraction would lead to broken capillaries and bacteria that could spread in the rest of our face. 

Touching it can also cause it to break open accidentally so don't even think of poking it since the skin around it and it would hurt a lot especially if its a big one. 

2. Reduce the Redness. 

Usually new pimples are red as a tomato so try to lessen the redness by using eye droppers. The saline solution that reduces the redness of our eyes could also work to reduce the redness. 

Apply at least 3-5 drops on a small piece of cotton pad and let it sit in your pimple for about 5 minutes and you can really see that the redness reduced in that pimple.

Another way to reduce the redness of the pimple is to apply a green corrector to neutralize the redness. 

3. Treat the Pimple. 

Covering up a pimple is just a quick way to get rid of the pimple, while it is still new treat it with a salicylic acid based cream to kill the bacteria.

If you don't want your face to be caked up you can use a concealer or a tinted moisturizer that has salicylic acid in it.

I hope these are helpful for you in covering up those nasties. I have actually had a mild acne problem which I try to maintain with a good face routine. The best way not to get break outs is actually just taking care of your skin more. Proper diet and lifestyle are big factors why we break out so make sure to steer to that way to get the skin that you want.

Much Love~

xx Alice


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