My 2013 Recap
2013 flew by real fast - an in real fast! I didn't thought that its going to be 2014 soon but it is. I know I am being redundant but you know me.
And I just want to greet you my lovelies a very Happy New Year! *confetti* How was your New Year? Was it great? It was my first New Year that we didn't have firecrackers blown to bits this year but that's okay - less casualties the better.

So to start off the year let's do a recap of what happened to me this 2013 shall we?
January: I finally launched a separate channel for my vLogs!
I hesitated quite a bit about having a vLog channel and I admit I had some misses in that channel. But so far so good my vLogging channel has 50 subbies now. I never really expected that channel would hit off since I ramble a lot of nonsense, but after a while I've met people that made me feel different about my life.
Truth be told even my friend know that I think my life is boring, but when I suddenly get messages saying thank you for sharing my life, it brought a sense of happiness to me because I never really thought of it that way.
And for this 2014 I promise to do more vLogs and share my slightly boring but definitely crazy life with you my lovelies.
February: I went Blonde!
I know I didn't post this but I was glad to make a huge change on my hair color. I was unsure with it but I just went with my gut because I know I can pull it off kahit pilit LOL.
Being blonde was quite a new experience since it kind of shocked some people. I admit the color was not that blonde like those real Caucasian people but it was definitely a change that I won't regret. I'm planning to go to another hair color soon so make sure to check out my blog in a few months okay?
March: My Glambox Airbrush Experience!
Make up artistry is something that I would like to do more in the future and one of the things that would make you a more credible in getting clients is knowing air brush make up especially for wedding gigs. I was really honored and happy to get an opportunity to do that when Glambox invited me to experience it!
I will have to save more money to get one of these babies for sure in the future but I'm glad that I've learned a lot with Ms. Dana and I hope to meet her soon this 2014. Check out the blogpost about it here.
April: Blogging Opportunities with Bioessence and Zalora!
I was quite surprised one April afternoon to get a message from a friend if I would be interested do to a series about Bioessence's services - who wouldn't right? I was able to try their slimming packages and I know that if I go back there I will avail again their services. The best thing about it? My articles are posted in their website!
As a blogger, getting featured in an establishment's website is a big thing because that means that what I wrote about them is so valuable to them that they shared it to their clients isn't that awesome?
Another one is about my write up with I am not a fashion savvy person to myself but I like to style other people for fun. So sharing my styling tips was the next best thing and I was really happy that I was able to do a tie up with Zalora.
May: Went on a hiatus AND beauty talks with Mineeh11
This was a part of my life that I was kind of mellow and I didn't really had a lot of drive to write posts or even make videos. Really pathetic part of my life, but I was able to move on that. I was still writing posts on that month, but it was more of writing because I don't want to be stagnant.
I was able to move on to it eventually...thank goodness!
I was also really blessed to join Arrienne do a beauty talk that month too. If you want to see that check it here.
June: Blogging Opportunity with Coca cola!
I was quite excited for this one since it was an event by one of my favorite beverages! It was also an exciting one since I was able to meet some Glee stars and also see Coca Cola's Happiness Ambassadors!
July: My very first Radio interview!
One of the major highlights of my 2013 is when I was invited to be interviewed on radio! I was quite shocked since I didn't expected it to be but I was really glad I was able to do it. I was really glad as well to be interviewed and share my knowledge in editing. The best part in it? I was really glad that I was able to meet new people as well!
To see that post click here.
August: Meeting Awesome Youtubers!
You guys know that I am quite a fan girl in times especially when it comes to Filipina Youtubers - simply seeing them makes me giddy like a highschool girl which is why I was really glad to meet awesome youtubers like Joyce Sola of CandyLoveArt and of course Bing of Project Awesome!
I am a big fan of them and knowing them in person just made my 2013 much much MUCH cooler if you ask me! Link of that article is here.
October: Attending Beauty Events for BDJ!
One of the things I am thankful for is to be able to attend beauty events and one of the highlights of my October is when me and Arrienne attended the BDJ Beauty Social. That was also where I was finally able to meet Aya of and also Rattus of Beauty of a shoestring budget.
November: Attending my first EVER blogapalooza!
As a blogger, being a part of a community of other bloggers can give you a lot of boost and also you can ask for tips for being a better blogger. I was glad I was able to attend Blogapalooza 2013 which was a definite fun filled event and I was able to meet friends and also new blogger friends. There was actually one occasion that another blogger asked me for tips - I was really floored and honored because that person reads my blog and he is a guy! I may not remember your name dude but your compliment really made my day :)
December: A very special make up gig with Arrienne.
I can't be thankful enough to be given a chance to join someone on a make up gig. I was able to join Arrienne and acted as a videographer/vlogger correspondent for her blog and also help out a little. If you watch my vLogs you would probably know that I actually slept after that since I had little sleep but the experience was something I would cherish.
My goal for 2014 is to definitely work up more on my make up skills so I can get more make up gigs probably. If you guys would like to see that you can check our Arrienne's post about it.
2013 was indeed a fruitful year. I was able to experience a lot of things, meet new people and see new places.
A big thank you and virtual hug to all of you! without your continuous support and love I wouldn't go on this journey. This is not just my journey but OUR journey. I may not be consistent but I appreciate that you lovelies are there supporting me and cheering me on. I don't think all the thank yous in the world is enough for me to show you that I appreciate you that much. I may not know you personally, but I know that you are there.
Now 2013 is over 2014 is here and I can't promise to be consistent but I can promise one thing - I will give you guys more reason to go back in my blog and read more. That I can assure you!
Much Love and Happy New Year my lovelies!
xx Alice