What's New? Upcoming Product Reviews!
Happy Saturday!
I haven't been blogging again since I have been busy with things here at home and also with my Korean language studies..its hard to be student again! but its really nice.
So on today's post I will show you some of the new items I have been trying out recently.
First product up is Enjoy Vietnam's Elite 3 in 1 cream. I have actually seen this in youtube through another youtuber..I think her name is Shantea...She actually noted that this is a miracle cream.
The Elite 3 in 1 cream. I have tried this out already and the review will be up after a week since I was to see its full potential and also to see it has any reaction to my skin.
I won't spill any details yet but so far so good this product is doing well.
Next product up is a hair product for Korea!
Yes my dear ladies the products that I have been reviewing are only available to be ordered online that is why I am checking if they are really worth the price and shipping fee.
For the hair product this is from a company called Lee Moon Won clinic that is located in Chungdam-dong in Seoul, Korea. Their clinic mostly caters to hair loss and basically anything that caters about the hair.
I have been using these and so far so good. No details for now though.
I will be posting the review real soon for this!
I have been lacking in posts lately but I will make it up with back to back posts soon!
Make sure to check back for more posts!
Have a great weekend!
Much Love!
xoxo Alice