Matching your lipstick with your outfit featuring Ever Bilena Shade Lipsticks.

Hello ladies! 

Do you ever have that time that you don't know what to do with your make up so it matches your outfit? 

Here are some tips I could give out. 

I'll be using Ever Bilena's Shade lipstick as an example to these looks ok? 

Lets start with a simple look with a pop of color. With this kind of outfit I would suggest go with a pink lipstick like Rosy Mirage or Pink temptress and an over all clean no-make up like look. This gives the look a very clean yet stricking image. Also It doesn't have too much impact to the face. 

If you have a penchant for monochromatic looks like this one I suggest go for a pop of color. Use a bright red or an orange red lipstick to make the face stand out. Try Red Vixen or Foxy Garnet to give your make up a pop of color. 

One thing I like about Ever Bilena's shade lipstick is they have a great selection of colors that can also be great for summer! 

Don't be afraid to experiment your looks because we are only young once so make the most out of it. Also Ever Bilena shade lipsticks are just perfect for that! Make sure to drop by to any department store to check these lippies out. 

Much Love and happy weekend!!

xx Alice  


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