What I did on my birthday.

Hey girls! 

If you have been a reader of this blog you would probably know that last week (January 6 in fact) was my birthday. 

Yeah! I am actually 27 now!

I cannot believe that I am 27. Is it just me that has this feeling that when its your birthday it suddenly makes you feel older? Like the ones from the Sims game haha! 

Honestly yesterday was probably the first birthday I have in my entire existence that I did not really bother doing anything special but go to church and pray. The reason for that is I am broke AF and I lost the feeling of celebrating. 

But for some reason when I went to Baclaran church, I felt contented with what I heard from the priest that presided the novena. 

You are not alone. 

I remember those words exactly because I felt alone for the past 2 to 3 days due to my depression. It really sucks when depression creeps through my head which makes me useless because all I want to do was just stare aimlessly while lying on my bed. 

I immediately felt great after going to Baclaran and I actually planned to just go to Ayala Triangle just to walk around since my brother's office is near the area and maybe we can have dinner. But since I dropped by Apag Marangle (which I always do because I love their staff to bits) Ms. Cherry of the Big Difference Communications was there and invited me to eat but I opted to have a take out instead since I want to share the food with my mama. 

My birthday basically was a simple dinner with my mom. No cake, no spaghetti, no birthday bash. 

Being broke in your birthday is not gonna be the end of the world to be honest because I have realized that every single day should be treated like it is your birthday. 

It may sound weird, but that is how I think about it. Every single day of your life is supposed to be lived like its your last, you may do something stupid but remember that we don't know when our time is up so enjoy every minute that you have and live without regrets. 

I am really blessed to have friends that are still there for me despite my shortcomings. I am not perfect at all, but I appreciate that no matter how complex, weird and erratic my brain works, they are still there for me. 

I can't promise anything that I know I can't do, but one thing is for sure, no matter what happens I will always be here. 

Thank you to those that remembered my birthday! I hope next year I might be able to do something with you girls for my birthday. I don't exactly know what it is yet, but I have a whole year to plan it out. 

Thank you so much! 

Much Love! 

xx Alice 


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