Feeling FOBolous!
Hey girls I am back!
I have been doing a lot of studying and applying so I haven't been updating you guys but I would like to share this event I attended recently.
I went to the book launch of FOBolous.
I have been doing a lot of studying and applying so I haven't been updating you guys but I would like to share this event I attended recently.
I went to the book launch of FOBolous.
This is my first book launch event this year. So I was a bit excited knowing more about this book. As a book lover, getting first dibs on a book is a big deal for some people.
Especially me.
And here it is! yey! I am sooo excited!
The book is written by Rainne Mendoza who is a Pinay based in Houston, Texas. Did I also mention that she is a blogger? yeah that's like an added bonus to how excited I was to know what she wrote.
This is the first book that she wrote so it would hit close to home for me because its one of my dreams to write a book myself one day. I won't say much about the book because you girls know I prefer spoiling the fun sometimes haha.
There was also some chapters that were read to the audience and from what I heard in the readings, I can relate with the main character BUTI would rather not spoil it by telling you guys the whole story of the book. BUT here is one clue I will give to you:
"Deed your daddy send me my box crotcher?"
I had a chance talk to Ms. Rainne to ask her about her inspiration and also if this will be available in National Bookstore since its currently available in Amazon and she told me that they are working on it but for now it is available in Amazon which also ships internationally so if you want to buy one you can get it there or wait it out.
I am really excited to share to you my review about this book which will be posted soon.
Much Love!
xx Alice