365 days of Happiness Challenge Day 3: Movies

I never thought how much of a movie buff I am when recently I went through the collection of movies I have watched online.

Being broke at the moment says a lot about it too because I don't really have that much money to have the luxury of watching a movie at the cinema house because I would rather spend my hard earned money on utilities than see a one hour plus long movie.

Most of the movies I've watched are also interesting.

Most of them are RomComs because obviously I am a girl and with the idealistic mind that one day I might meet my one true love in this circumstances, but also being half the realist/ bitter person that I am, there is only a 9.9999999% it won't happen.

The others are a mix of comedy, horror, and surprisingly enough some action was mixed in. The action ones are mostly inspired by my Papa because he loved movies that involved a bit of Bond and some other guy I forgot the name.

There was one common denominator with these movies though that I liked about. It reminded me of someone that I love.

There was this Thai movie that I kept watching over and over. It is the movie Crazy little thing called love, the one where I first met Mario Mauer (God he is such a cutie)

This movie reminded me one a man I really love back when I was in highschool. He tried pursuing a relationship with me, but I wasn't really emotionally ready. I didn't lead him on or anything, I really enjoyed his company and I always looked forward to seeing him.

But one day he just disappeared.

From time to time I still think of Joey, that's his name. I remember specifically the times he would come with me and just hang out. I really enjoyed his company and I really liked him. But I guess our destiny were not meant to be.

The good memories are still there and that is what makes me smile. Mario Mauer actually reminds me of Joey from time to time and the memories come back. Maybe that's why I keep watching that movie - Because I don't want to forget that one time in my life there was a guy named Joey that made me feel something in my heart.

If ever Joey does sees this post, I would just like to let you know that I am thankful I met you. I don't know if there might be another chance for us because its been a long time since we last talked. I still live in the same neighborhood but our neighborhood has changed a lot since you left. I do miss you and I wish to see you again.

Movies makes me smile because it reminds me of people I love. Joey is one of them.

Much Love
xx Alice


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