The Logan Problem.

You guys know what I am talking about. 

The video where Logan Paul- the famous youtube star visits Aokigahara Forest or commonly known as Suicide Forest in Japan and unluckily sees a dead body hanging and decided to show it to the world! 

I will also add how disrespectful he was in a Japanese temple and being obnoxious to people and totally being super irritating in general. The mere thought of looking back on what I watched is like me doing a face palm in every single sequence. 

One of the things I would like to tell you guys is one of the videos I like to watch on youtube is actually about suicide prevention because I have depression. 

I would usually watch hours upon hours of documentaries and youtubers visiting this forest in Japan and how much they stress that suicide is not the key to end it. 

I actually watched the video Logan Paul posted and I am super disgusted by what he did. The man that committed suicide might've done it the morning prior to them going to the forest because he looked like he just died a couple of hours ago. 

The thing that disgusts me about this is WHY SHOW THE BODY DUDE?! 
I have seen a lot of dead and gory things in my lifetime but this is by far the most direspectful thing someone might've done to a dead person. 

If he had the right thing and just cut the video and never showed the body that would've have been great, but he did the opposite because as what the whole youtube community knows Logan Paul actually lives off his idiotic ways. 

I'm deeply sorry for the words but cut me some slack for a bit here.

Now going to the other videos where he went to a Japanese temple and be the obnoxious prick he is.

 I have relatives tell me that Japanese are very particular when it comes to temples because it is a place where their God lives so being respectful and quiet AT ALL TIMES IS NEEDED TO BE DONE. You know what he does? He basically was speaking in a loud voice, wears this ridiculous costume and acts very arrogant in a sacred place. 


I am someone that makes it a big deal when you do things like that because a temple, mosque or a church is a place of reflection and solemnity. I may be loud but I know when to shut my mouth when I am inside a church. 

The other videos he posted were those where he dressed up as a pokemon and just threw pokeball pillows to random people and even moving cars. He even threw it at a police officer. 

This is just one big mess after the other. And I am sorry for bitching out on your Logan but CAN YOU ACT LIKE A FREAKIN NORMAL TOURIST FOR A BIT? 

The only thing that was going through my head was - This guy is just asking to be deported from one of the most disciplined and respectable countries in the world. He is just waiting to be blacklisted and be denied entry the next time he visit this country. 
The bigger issue here is Logan posted content that clearly violates youtube's community rules in what kind of videos that can be posted in the said platform. 

It sickens me right to the bone that youtube is not doing anything of sorts to make this a lesson not just for Logan but also other content creators. 

Ever since I saw Logan Paul's videos I never really liked it. Its funny if you make skits of normal situations but doing idiotic things to gain views makes him look like a total tool. 

As of this posting, the video has been deleted by Logan Paul and he also issued a video apology which to be honest I didn't think was done whole heartedly. As for the other two videos I mentioned they are still in his channel. 

To fans of Logan Paul, please don't be blinded by your fascination with him. What he does is merely a show in which his choices will make you question what kind of parents raised him. 

I actually showed the video to my mom and she was disgusted by his actions and asked me if he is always like this...and unfortunately I think so I answered her. 

She questioned what kind of parents this kid has. 


In the end, we won't know what he was really thinking. We can just assume that it might make great content on youtube- but let's be real here, would you really like to see a dead man hanging on a youtube video? 

I will leave you with that for today. This whole topic triggers me to question youtube now and its saddening. 

What do you guys think?

Much Love 
xx Alice


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