Comeback to Blogging again?
Honestly I don't know how many times I have said I will be serious in blogging but time and time again I just revert to forgetting those and not write anything.
It honestly sucks. Because I felt like I have let you down. I should maintain this blog! I flippin changed the name for a reason!
The past few months, I have just been under so much stress, anxiety and bouts of depression that I wanted to quit social media. But then I remembered my happy place - blogging.
I promised to write and write until my brain tells me to stop and my hands start to bleed - not literally okay.
I won't promise anymore that I will be consistent because as of right now I am still trying to figure out everything again as it was the first time.
But here is the weird part, no matter how long I have not been writing my hands seem to just have a life of its own just start typing as if its excited to tell a friend of something she discovered. That's where I know that blogging really is my happy place. I would never grow tired of writing.
I may post beauty reviews here again but I have to figure a lot of things like photography because honestly my photography skills are lacking now. I will write a lot more for sure but I don't know yet about the pictures. because girl my skills in photography have plummeted I think.
See you on my next post!
Much Love!
xx Alice