Here We Go Again!


As a new year starts we start to have the usual *New Year's Resolutions* spiel all over again and I will be honest - I don't want to do that this year. 

Call me a pessimist but I just find it bothersome to create a list of things I want to do but yet by the second week of the year I would just forget no matter how many reminders I put it on my google calendar. 

So this year I won't do that. I won't make a New Year's Resolution - I'll just start doing what I want without setting myself for failure by putting myself into unrealistic standards. 

Starting with this blog. 

I know I promised that I will start blogging again but here we are mid January with my first post - ugh girl why? LIFE HAPPENED that's why. 

I do promise to make sure to update my blog every single time I have the time to do so because right now with my whole schedule packed like a last minute road trip overnight bag the only luxury I have is sleep which I only get roughly 5 hours at best. 

But I missed you guys. I really do. So expect new updates every now and then. I will be posting new reviews for sure and try to do the whole rigger of things once I have settled in my new position at work. 

I don't want to flip out and make this blog a rant fest - because that is not the sole purpose of this blog. 

Hoping you guys had a great New Year's celebration with your family! 

And see y'all around. 

Much Love 

xx Alice


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