Spring/Summer Trends 2012: Fashion
Ola ladies!
I am back for the fashion version of the Spring and Summer
trends this 2012! I am not really a fashionista but I do know what looks good
and I have tried these trends and I think these are great to pull off this
Let’s get started shall we?

Print it all out
Prints are back this season and its much preferred if you
get this trend with big bright prints much like ones for your summer
Mesh knits
Mesh knits are in again this season. I mostly use mesh knits
when I go to the beach as a cover up for my swim wear. I think this is a great piece to wear even if
you are not on the beach.
Orange galore!
Tangerine orange IS the color of this year so expect a lot
from this hue this 2012.
Dip-dye dresses
Dip-dye dresses actually remind me of my mom’s summer
dresses when I was younger. These are great to pull off some color without
overwhelming the eyes.
These are just some of the fashion trends this season but be
sure to not go overboard with all the trends.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
See you soon!
Much Love!