Throwing make up is hard to do
Throwing away make up is something I don't like to do since it means I have wasted my money. I don't like wasting my money on items that I wasn't able to use to its fullest so when I have to throw them I usually just close my eyes and throw them in the trash and never look back.
Yes. I am that emotional about my make up.
That is why this post would remind me to not ever waste my money again.
A couple of days ago I was cleaning up my make up organizer for some items I'll be putting up for sale on this blog and I saw these three. Its been a while though that I've cleaned up my make up organizer so I was a little surprised to see these. I checked if I can still save them but unfortunately it was too late.
The stuff that I had to throw out are:
Nivea lip balm
Japanese stick foundation (I forgot the name)
Heng Feng mascara
I actually liked my nivea lip balm but I forgot it existed when I got my HiP Jelly balm from my friend. But the remaining two items where almost empty or it dried up when I checked so it was a lost case altogether.
Moral of this story:
Just use what you have and buy new ones when you need it. In short.
I sometimes don't get it when other girls buy make up and don't use it then they would mope around when it expires
But seriously do you know anyone like that? Do you think its a little irritating?
Let me know on the comment box and I'll talk to you soon.
Much Love!
-- Alice