iBlog8 Summit: Success!

Hey Hey! Happy Tuesday! 

How was your weekend? For me it was super hectic yet fun. I'll tell you more on my other posts. My weekend started with this event which really made me happy and go giddy all over. Yes I say that because I can.

Any who. 

I was able to attend the iBlog8 Summit last Friday. It was a whole day event but unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it because I have to go to work. But even so I was able to enjoy the topics that were discussed.

Most of the speakers on the event are also bloggers that I have met since I have started attending events more than a year or so ago. The topics are also very relevant to bloggers since day 1 was reserved for pro bloggers and newbies that would like to know more and also how to earn money through their blogs. 

There are key things to earn money through your blog is to simply make your blog known, and after that the rest is history. SEO knowledge and what not were also mentioned in the topics I was able to catch. 

I am actually very interested to know more about SEO  for my blog. SEO helps your blog become more known since it means search engine optimization. 

Are there some SEO experts there? Can you help me? ^^, 

There were also topics on how to get your blog to the advertisers which tackles how to make your own media portfolio. Mostly media portfolio are the ones that you show to advertisers this mostly consists of articles you've written, package and also rates. 

The event was super exciting since there were also games that were played and some bloggers who attended received special packages. 

I am super happy I attended the event and I hope I will be able to attend another one next year ^^, 

Much Love! 

-- Alice


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