My Sexy Revolution starts now

This was taken last March 2012
You girls know that I have been overweight almost all of my life so slimming down has been one of the hardest challenges I have to accomplish.

As of to date I am doing my best to lose as much weight as I can simply with diet and exercise.

So far so good I have lost more or less 20 lbs after 3 months of emo-ness (is there such a word?) and endless support that I get from my friend (Thanks Michigo!) who wants me to wear a bikini ...although I think this isn't the right time to wear that. 
But I swear I will wear a bikini before I turn 25 I swear on that! :)

I lost that weight simply by being active - doing zumba three times a week, walking and playing with my 3 year old dog Georgia every night when I get home from work.

I think I lost more weight just by playing with Georgia since she is a Labrador Retriever who is as curious as a 3 year old kid! Its hard to keep up with her sometimes but its fun since she also encourages me to move more. I promise to post a picture of her in my Facebook page one of this days if only she can stand still for one minute

Dieting is hard since I am only allowed to eat as much as 3 cups of rice a day and lots of veggies - not much beef, only on weekends and on certain occasions.

I have no bad vibes about losing the weight I tell you it's really hard to lose without any other help- especially to melt fat in those stubborn places in my body like my thighs and tummy area. And I also think that because I have lost some weight, I think I have some loose skin in my tummy.

Then I saw a billboard of Sexy Solutions one day on my way to work and did some research about it. 
Sexy Solutions is a non-invasive fat reduction clinic that has machines that can (1) melt fat in stubborn places, (2) tighten loose skin and (3) tone muscle. (from their website

Speaking of Sexy Solutions they are having a 50% off their services that runs until may 31, 2012

Have a sexy summer with Sexy Solutions!

Much Love!

-- Alice


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