My addictions: My Dog Georgia
Hello ladies! I am back with another post for Tuesday!
Okay I have said millions of times that I will be posting a picture of my dear Georgia in this blog and here it is!
Really sorry that the quality is not that good and Georgia looked like she is gonna cry..well she is.
I took this shot when I was about to go to work. I usually say bye bye to my cats and dogs since I will miss them so much. I love each and one of them that is why I say good bye to them as if they are kids.
We usually keep Georgia in a cage since there isn't a lot of space yet to let her play. Once that we have finished renovating I guess she will be allowed to go in the family room. I do let her out when we go out to run. Georgia is quite mischievous sometimes since she would hide from me nearly scaring me to death since she is a good hider.
A quick trivia about Georgia:
She is actually my dad's dog, and when my dad passed my brother initially decided to give away Georgia to one of our cousins but I didn't agree with that since Georgia is the last pet my dad had.
Georgia is a Labrador Retriever mix which is a great combination in my opinion. This breed is the best breed for kids since they have a lot of patience with kids and they are gentle enough to be left alone with kids. These breeds are a little stubborn so prepare to get into an argument with one. Labradors also love to play a lot in the water. They also love to cuddle and also they love to please their masters.
I think Georgia is the perfect dog for me since she keeps me up when I need a shoulder to lean on here at home. It may sound weird but she is the best when in comes to that.
Share to me the name of your dearest pet on the comment box and why you love them.
They may be full bred or maybe an aspen, the only thing that matters is that they love you and you love them the same way. Pets are more than just bodyguards, they are also our friend that we love and trust.
Much Love!
-- Alice