Reasons Why I Love Globe

Globe Telecom has a very established history in Telecommunications for both consumers and businesses. It is a pioneer in mobile telecommunications which seeks to create and deliver products and services that brings its customers closer to their aspirations and connect them with the people and events that matter the most to them.

By fat, Globe caters to more than 25 million people, along with 650,000 wire line and broadband users. Are you one of them?

I have been a Globe user for 10 years now and I have experienced a great deal of fun with Globe.

I love Globe mainly for its text and call promos which really helps me during college. I only had still have a limited budget allotted to my cellphone load and Globe helps me budget it with its promos.

Globe also has a lot of services to offer like GCash which really helps to remit or send money easier. And with their postpaid services that my siblings use for both personal and business concerns that doesn't break the bank since they have their own plans that are fit for their lifestyle.  

I mostly subscribe to the UNLItxt and Superunli promos when I have events to attend to like blogger events, family gatherings or a get-together with my friends.

I remembered  then when I have to text all my friends for an on-the-spot get together one weekend and luckily I was registered to their unli promos SUPERUnli which really helped me contact all of them.

I also love the clarity of the line when I have to call someone. I rarely experience difficulty when I'm talking with my friends and family which makes our conversations longer since the line is clearer.

I also love that they give their customers the power to choose what is within their budget in terms of what we need it and when we need it.

Are you a Globe User as well? Tell me your most memorable experience and how long have you been a Globe user on the comment box below.

Much Love!

-- Alice


Christina said…
One of my most memorable experience is when we went to Puerto Galera and I got lost at the port. Luckily I had my phone with me. I was able to reach my family just in time that we were about the board the ferry on our way to Puerto Gallera. I was also able to tweet and post pictures with my Globe phone. I love Globe!

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