Beyond Politics: Congressman Roman Romulo and Shalani Soledad-Romulo

Ever thought of what a married life is like with Congressman Romulo and Ms. Shalani Soledad-Romulo?

Both are known as politicians but how about as a married couple?

I was really honored to be part of a selected number of bloggers that had a sit down and very casual talk over afternoon snacks courtesy of Ms. Shalani last October 29 at their humble home.

Wearing a pink polo shirt, dark washed jeans, and a pair of formal shoes Congressman Romulo looked very casual but still fit for business meetings while Ms. Shalani wore a pink collared shirt, blue straight cut jeans and a pair of espadrilles you wouldn't notice they are one of the most known political couples in the Philippines. 

Their love story actually is not a fairy tale type but more of a lot of connections and coincidences. I asked how their first date as a couple was and Congressman Romulo actually told us that even before that happened there were a lot of cancellations that occured because both were busy with being public servants in their districts and when it finally happened it was because of one of their friends.

Looking into the interior of the den while in the interview, I noticed a stack of books in the shelves - specifically the Twilight series, and can't help but ask about who is the owner of the series. Ms. Shalani actually admitted being a fan of the series. Both are book readers but they differ in their interest. There were a variety of political-based books and also a mix of non-fiction books.

Being a blogger, I asked regarding the data privacy act and how it came to mind for him to pursue it. He was actually offered by the BPO association to pursue this because it can give more opportunities for our fellowmen to get jobs. And surely there was an increase with jobs in the BPO industry once the act was legalized.

Congressman Roman Romulo and Ms. Shalani are just like any couple but the only exception is that they are in the political arena. Observing them during the interview, I can actually see a resemblance of my parents to them. My father was a simple technician while my mom is a businesswoman - Two really different people but they have chemistry that undeniably people can see because they support each other in everything they do. 

And now Congressman Romulo is taking a leap in running for a senatorial seat, I see another power couple in the rise in the senate with them.

Much Love!

xx Alice


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