2018 Life Goals
I know I should've posted this at the beginning of the year but give me a break okay? Life has been beating me lately which made me realize I should really get my act together at least for once.
I am the kind of person that can save up if I want to. And this 2018 I am pushing towards that because let's face it I am not getting any younger and I need to get my financial act together so I will be saving up more this year.
I made this promise that at least every end of the month I will go to my bank and deposit money that I saved in a piggy bank. No matter how small or big that amount is I will deposit it.
And as an added surprised, which isn't really one is I won't look how much my balance is even if it is super tempting.
I am planning on buying myself a new laptop or travel by 2019 so that is why I am saving up money.
In my 29 years of existence in Earth I haven't done that. And I hope to do that this year. I am planning on doing it by the middle part of the year since I need to save up for the trip.
I haven't ironed out the full details of it but I want to make it part of my 2018 goals.
I want to experience just immersing myself in our culture and not mind about an itinerary and just live freely for once in my life.

I like to drink. And its bad if you put yourself in a position where the only way for you to get out of the house is to go drinking.
Alcohol is never the answer to anything. It is good to have one once in a while but don't make it a factor to meet new people.
I want to lessen my night outs for beers and just go out and explore nightlife completely sober.
So far I am doing well since its been about 3 weeks that I drank a drop of beer or liquor.

With having a business, a youtube channel, a blog, and social responsibilities is something I do daily - and it is stressing me out! I just really do not want to be as stressed out as I was last year and the year prior because my mental health will be at stake for it.
I have given myself a limit to where I can only stand something, if I have reached my limit to its full extent I will just get away from the situation.
And this actually worked! There were a lot of times that I just needed to shut everything out to cool myself down because the more pressure I am under I just break down.
TMI: I had 4 mental meltdowns last January. It was not a good scene to be honest.
TMI: I had 4 mental meltdowns last January. It was not a good scene to be honest.
I promised myself that I will be healthier this 2018. I promised to eat more healthier than I usually would, and to also forgive myself for all the slip ups that might occur.
This is not just for my physical health but also for my mental and spiritual self.
I noticed last year that I held on to my vices more to get away from my worries and problems. It
wasn't healthy because I was constantly having mental breakdowns one after the other, but whenever
I pray and read I feel much better afterwards.
I want to live a healthier life not just my body but also my whole being.
I've already started practicing meditation again before I go to bed and it helps me relax more. I usually give myself an hour of social media downtime and just relax before I start meditating.
Honestly coming up with these was just a summary of half a notebook worth of ideas that I wrote one night I felt restless.
So if you are like me, just take your time to write down all of the things you want to be done this 2018.
Much Love!
xx ALice