30 day make up challenge day 14: favorite youtube guru(s)?

Ola! I am really sorry for the late post! It totally slipped out of my mind last night LOL
But any who this is my day 14 of the make up challenge!
In terms of girls I have been following...and even stalking (LOL) I can name you a ton! but here are some of the most common that I watch on youtube ^^, I've also made a post for some of them just click their names and it will link you to that page ^^.
I haven't made one for Janah because I keep putting it off... really sorry! haha but will make one next time I promise.
I like watching these gurus since most of them feature local products like Janah, Say, Noe, and Emafe. And they also feature looks that are easy to follow like those of Michelle Phan.
I also like other youtubers and I especially like pinay make up gurus since they really make looks that are wearable for the Philippine weather. As you all may know I live in the Philippines which is a very tropical country ^^,
That's it for my late post.
I swear I will keep this locked in my head so I won't miss a post again! haha!
Much love!
-- Alice
but my fave beauty gurus are foreign. hehe