Products to Review!

Ola! I have been slacking off lately with my reviews and I am really really sorry about that!

To make it up for you my gorgeous readers I will be telling you SOME of the products I will be reviewing next time ^^,

I realized I have tons of stuff I have to review and recommend to all of you so might as well tell you some of the products.

First off is the mousse foundation of Ever Bilena which I already did a review on today. You can check it here

Then next would be the mousse blushes also from Ever Bilena. Third on the list would be my blushes from Careline which I mostly reach for when I'm in a hurry. Lastly would be the Vitress hair solutions which haven't failed me on a bad hair day.

So there are some of the products that I will be reviewing. I will not show you all the products for now since I would like it to be a surprise to y'all.

If you have some recommendations of products you'd like me to review please don't hesitate to comment below or just email me okay?

See you on the next post!

Much Love!

-- Alice

PS. I am not in any way affiliated with the brands mentioned in this blog post. All products were purchased with my own money. 


RealAsianBeauty said…
Wow! This sounds good! Cant wait for it! Also, thanks for putting me on the side bar~ haha. I hope people join my contest. Its just a trial though~ :) Nice blog ^_^
Alice said…
@ Kristine -- thanks for dropping by my blog! ^^, Np about the sidebar! :D I think I will also post it on my blog so I can encourage other readers to join on your contest ^^,

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