Miss Kat Soap Launch at the Noel Bazaar

Yesterday I went to the Noel Bazaar (click here for the blog post) to check out the launch of Miss Kat Soap. It's actually my first time to attend the Noel bazaar and I think its really cool. I actually saw a lot of sales and great buys, but I'll come back for more next time.
I was actually able to talk to Bea of Miss Kat soap and she answered some of my questions about the product and the company. Miss Kat Soap had just been launch recently in the market. Their soaps are organic and made in the Philippines. You can actually compare them to Lush soaps because they basically have the same properties but Lush is imported from the United States and I think you can buy them by grams.
I was given a loot bag by Bea but I'll show you that on my next blog post. I was really interested in their products because of their names. I usually buy a product for several reasons, it can be the packaging, the scent, the feel of the product in my hands or it benefits to the user. I know its kinda fickle or impulsive to buy something because it has a cute name but don't tell me you haven't done it yourself! haha!
One of the things that caught my eye is this.
I actually got this in my loot bag. This is the AM and PM soap. Okay its actually 2 soaps in which the yellow one is for day, while the blue one is for night. According to Bea, this can help out eliminate break outs. Since I have been breaking out recently maybe I'll try this...or may be next time since I still have lots of skin care products to finish.
Also I think on the 26th and 27th of November they will be having a sale. So please do go and check that out.
Please follow them on
Facebook (Miss Kat Soap)
Twitter (misskatsoap)
Please follow them on
Facebook (Miss Kat Soap)
Twitter (misskatsoap)
Their website is currently being updated so just check their facebook page at the moment ^^,
I'll do a blog haul soon so please watch out for it!
Much love!
-- Alice
Hair loss products
@ bec -- I think you can still drop by ^^.