Make Up 101: Get rid of the Nastie - uneven skin tone

Uneven skin is one of the problems most mature skin have nowadays with lots of sun exposure and also other factors can cause our skin tone to be uneven.

 I could say I have had episodes of having dull skin which is kinda depressing sometimes because a lot of people I know ask me if I'm going through something which actually is not happening!

Here are some tips to reduce or to keep away uneven skin.

1. Drink more water.

I can't really stress out how water is very important to our skin so just to remind you girls. Water flushes out the toxins caused by pollutants such as pollution, stress and too much sun.

Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water everyday to flush those toxins out.

2. Sunblock is key.

Get less sun exposure as possible to reduce having uneven skin. If you cannot help it use sunblock instead.

3. Exfoliate to promote circulation and remove dead skin.

One of the things I found out about having uneven skin tone is caused by not exfoliating often. So make sure to exfoliate often to also promote blood circulation for a more radiant look.

For dry skin, I would suggest exfoliating twice to thrice a week, while for oily and combination types would be as often as possible.

4.Sport on a faux glow.

Getting some shimmer in your face isn't just a bad idea to make your skin a little brighter. A little highlighter to the high points of your face should do the trick.

You can also achieve this with using pink-peach blush since it will make your skin look more flawless and more natural.

Reducing uneven skin tone can also be done with a change in your lifestyle choices so make sure to stay away from too much sweets and more exercise.

I hope these tips helped you out get rid of that nasty uneven skin tone. Do let me know what you want to know more on the comment box and I will talk to you girls next time.

Much Love!

xx ALice 


Kim said…
Do you recommend any good shimmers? I prefer the powder type. Liquid highlighters/shimmers don't work well for my skin :(
Alice said…
@kmmyp I can't really give out specific products you can try since most of them are just the same. I would really suggest to use a peach or pink peach shade of blush because even without shimmer this color really makes the skin have its natural glow, Hope that helps and Thank you for visiting Kmmyp! :)
Great post Alice! I am normally not caring for my skin that much but this one's a great tip list hehe :)

Hope we can follow each other dear! Already following you. I like your Psy Gentleman review too. :)

Happy weekend dear!

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❤ ~Chai
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Alice said…
@Chai Chen Hi Chai! Thanks for the comment and follow I will follow you as well :) I was also not much into my skin but ever since I had major breakouts in my younger years I really put an effort in having good skin as much as I can :) Much Love!

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