The Versatile Blogger and the Butterfly award ^_^


I'm back with a Tag post ^_^

Unfortunately ladies I don't have an FOTD for today because for some reason my make up bag is missing. I don't even have my lipbalm. I feel so naked haha! Joke! 

So lets get back to business, I was tagged by kingking (of 25,000 megawatt smile) for the Butterfly award and Riza (of for The versatile blogger

Thanks so much girls for giving me these awards. I am really honored because I didn't think my blogs are that extraordinary..wait nga! no drama hahaha

the rules of both awards are simple. 

1. acknowledge the ones that awarded you (DONE)
2. tell 7 things about yourself (On the way)
3. Pass this award 15 other people. and let them know :)

Let's begin with the 7 things about myself

1. I have been struggling with weight ever since I was in High school. Although I feel good in my skin, I want to look better than what I am now.
2. I don't like beer. I've drank beer but I never liked its smell and taste. I just chug it down so I can get over it. 
3. I WAS an emotional eater. That is the reason why I am overweight right now. 
4. I have 3 more siblings from my dad's side. Long story. You don't want to know. It will just confuse you. :))
5. I may be the loudest person you will meet, but deep inside I like to be quite once in a while. This freaks my friends out a lot.
6. I am planning on setting up my own biz but I have to build up my strategy first. 
7. I like to sing off key when I'm not in the mood to sing. LOL

And here are the girls I am awarding both awards. You girls can just choose which one you would like to do ^_^

Much Love! 

-- Alice


twinkoolet said…
thank you for this! =)
Unknown said…
Hi Alice thank you for tagging me=)
Lourdes Rona said…
Thanks for the Tag Alice! =)
Unknown said…
awww thanks for the tag, sis. woah 15 bloggers. hmmm imma gonna have to think hard on this.
thanks again.

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